There is great news coming out of Springfield for first time offenders of the aggravated speeding statute. For the last 5 years, folks driving 26 mph or more faced mandatory convictions as a penalty on their aggravated speeding charges. The Illinois General Assembly has amended the statute and effective January 1, 2016, most first time offenders will be eligible for supervision on this offense (this will depend on their prior traffic history). You can read the full statute here.
Keep in mind, it is a Class B Misdemeanor to speed 25-34 miles over the limit. If you are caught going 35 or more miles per hour over the limit, that is considered a Class A Misdemeanor and the penalty is a mandatory conviction and a mar on your traffic record. Because a Class B Misdemeanor is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and/or a $1500 fine and a Class A is punishable by up to 365 days in jail and a $2500 fine, a Judge will require you to bring a licensed attorney to court to represent you. While aggravated speeding is a serious offense with some potential for harsh penalties that may include jail time, it is important to note that most all first time offenders will not see jail time for this type of traffic offense.
If you or someone you know has been arrested for aggravated speeding or any other traffic or criminal offense and need competent representation or have any other legal questions, contact The Law Office of Tatiana D. Czaplicki, PC at 312.672.9628 or via email for more information.